Pinus thunbergii at Bute Park

Pinus thunbergii 0

Pinus thunbergii
mid February 2022

Grid reference ST 17744 76928
Common name Japanese black pine
Origin Japan & Korea
Deciduous No
Tag 2275
Old tag 165
Height 2.5M March 2022
Girth 40cm @ 0.4M February 2022
Reference 799

This tree is at the north west edge of Coopers Field, at the boundary with Old Man's Wood east, right by the main footpath.

Pinus thunbergii bark1

Pinus thunbergii bark
February 2022

Pinus thunbergii cone1

Pinus thunbergii closed cone
mid February 2022

Pinus thunbergii foliage1

Pinus thunbergii leaves
mid February 2022

General tree description

Pinus thunbergii is typically a large, gaunt tree, up to 25 metres tall, with broad, twisted, spreading branches and silvery-white scaly buds. Its bark is dark grey or dark purplish pink and deeply fissured. The leaves are grey-green needles in pairs, 7 to 12cm long, stiff, thick and sharply pointed. Male flowers are present in small whorls, yellow with pollen in mid June. Female flowers appear in large numbers, dark pink-red, becoming purple conelets. The cones are dark grey, up to 5cm long, conic in shape, and may come in large clusters.